Best Liposuction Palm Beach: Liposuction West Palm Beach FL

Liposuction is the “Gold Standard” cosmetic procedure to contour your body in Palm Beach. Liposuction involves removing excess fat deposits from unwanted areas of the body. Genetically we are all born with a certain amount of fat that is distributed throughout our bodies. When you perform liposuction, you are able to remove fat cells from areas of the body where you want contour improvements and where you want to prevent further growth of fat.

If you have dieted and exercised and there are still stubborn areas of fat that will not go away then liposuction Palm Beach may be a good choice for you. While liposuction is not a replacement for a balanced diet and a disciplined exercise program, liposuction can help to contour your body so that you can fit into your clothes and look slimmer. The art of liposuction is about sculpting your body to achieve its natural and beautiful contours.
It is important to emphasize though that the best liposuction treatment will help you shed some of your fat but you will still be responsible for continuing to diet and exercise post-operatively to help you maintain an appropriate weight.

Liposuction of Neck, Chin, Face

Liposuction of the neck, specifically the submental area that is located under the chin is a common area for liposuction to remove the presence of a double chin. Occasionally liposuction of the neck is complemented with necklift surgery. A non-surgical approach can also be taken using the injection Kybella, though the results will not be as dramatic and permanent.

Liposuction of Thighs

Liposuction of the thighs involves contouring the inner thighs where fat deposits tend to aggregate.

Liposuction of Arms

Liposuction is most commonly performed on the upper arms and the bra line.

Liposuction of Abdomen (Love Handles)

Abdominal liposuction is about restoring the normal curvatures to your body. Removing excess fat deposits around your waist line will help you look more slim as you fit into your cloths.

Liposuction in Palm Beach Florida: Before & After

“Dr. Kopelman is an excellent surgeon! He performed my eyelid surgery and enhanced my upper lip area. The results are extraordinary and I continue to use Dr. Kopelman for all of my surgical and nonsurgical needs. There is no other Doctor that I would use.”

~ Joh Due ~

Liposuction in Palm Beach County: Dr. Joel Kopelman

Dr. Kopelman has performed liposuction in Palm Beach for over 35 years and has helped his patients achieve results that they love.While liposuction is one of the most common cosmetic surgery procedures, achieving beautiful results with liposuction is a most uncommon skill. Palm Beach plastic surgeon Dr. Rapaport performs all procedures using the tumescent technique. This technique, which is the gold standard according to most experts, involves the injection of a dilute solution of lidocaine as a local anesthetic and epinephrine to control bleeding prior to the actual suctioning of the fatty tissue. The process effectively reduces blood loss, allows for increased fat removal and improved sculpting, and speeds recovery.The suctioning is carefully performed using a 3 to 3.7-millimeter metallic rod, known as the cannula, inserted via a tiny puncture in the skin. The procedure is generally performed while the patient is comfortably sedated by our board-certified anesthesiologist. (Some patients, especially those treating only one small area opt for pure local anesthesia, usually with some oral sedation.) Patients typically have no memory of the event, and leave the office within 30-60 minutes after the procedure, feeling great! Most patients can return to work within 3 days following their Florida liposuction procedure, and return to the gym within a week.Aboard certified Palm Beach FL plastic surgeon, Dr. Kolker brings finesse, artistry, and vast experience in the art and science of liposuction techniques and body contouring to attain the most beautiful results in his Florida office.
he number of different types of liposuction available today can be a confusing distraction from the two most important parts of the liposuction process: safety and artistry. Understanding your desires and goals, appreciation of the balance between your unique distribution of fat excess and your skin elasticity, and your plastic surgeon’s experience and skill are the prime determinants of the beautiful results you can achieve.Liposuction should not be viewed as a quick fix for individuals who are significantly overweight. To attain beautiful results, the best liposuction approach is a “team effort” between you and your plastic surgeon.The best liposuction candidate is at or close to ideal body weight, maximizing diet modifications and exercise before surgery is ever performed. This will set the stage for the highest levels of safety as well as the most balanced and attractive contours. Dr. Kolker uses body mass index, or BMI, as a guideline for maximizing safety and aesthetics using liposuction. The ideal candidate for liposuction has a BMI between 20 and 25 kg / m2. Individuals with a BMI slightly above 25 that have reached a weight loss plateau after diet and exercise may be considered, and those with a BMI above 27.5 are not candidates for liposuction.As every individual’s physique and desires are different, so too is every plastic surgeon different. The plastic surgeon you choose to perform your liposuction is of paramount importance. What makes care by Dr. Kolker and his team different is comprehensive:

  • Vast experience, technical skill, and finesse,
  • Superior standards for certification, accreditation, and safety,
  • An artistic perspective and appreciation of natural, beautiful, and proportional body aesthetics,
  • A passion for achieving the most gorgeous results that can be stunning yet understated, and
  • VA relationship between you, Dr. Kolker, and his staff that is extremely calming, warm, intimate, and comfortable.

From your initial consultation for liposuction in Palm Beach Gardens, during the planning phase, and throughout the perioperative period and recovery, you will experience Dr. Kolker’s attentiveness, caring, and warmth, and that of our outstanding team with which we welcome and care for you. During your initial visit, Dr. Kolker spends time listening to and understanding your desires, and will examine and evaluate your physical requirements. He will then thoroughly inform you about the best liposuction techniques, or alternative treatments, that will suit you most ideally.The best liposuction outcomes are achieved when you are at or close to your ideal body weight.When areas of localized adiposity, or contained accumulations of fat, remain after a regimen of diet and exercise, liposuction is most appropriate. The best liposuction candidates will have:

  • Localized excess fat of the anterior abdomen and flanks
  • Good skin elasticity in the region of fat excess
  • LWorked at diet, cardio and strength training
  • A body weight within 10% of ideal, or BMI below 25

Liposuction can remove small, moderate and large amounts of fat depending upon the individual’s desires and physical attributes. Liposuction does not, however, remove excess skin, and can have a variable effect on cellulite. The individual’s inherent skin elasticity plays a significant role in the degree of change that can be achieved with liposuction.umescent liposuction, or superwet liposuction, describe these suction-assisted lipectomy techniques. There has also been a boom in the adjunct modalities with liposuction that can be puzzling to many when considering liposuction, which include:

    • Tumescent Liposuction – liposuction using a large volume of solution for maximizing safety, comfort and cosmetic results
    • Superwet Liposuction – a moderate volume of solution is used to achieve the best liposuction results
    • Suction Assisted Lipectomy (SAL) – classical liposuction, using tiny access sites with thin cannulas (tubes) to remove excess fat
    • Power Assisted Lipectomy (PAL) – adds an oscillating tip to help break up dense, fibrous attachments within the fat
    • Ultrasound Assisted Lipectomy (UAL) – adds an ultrasound emitting tip to the procedure, assisting in the emulsification of fat
    • SmartLipo™ – known as laser lipolysis, purported to “tighten skin” in addition to removing fat with liposuction
    • Lipoabdominoplasty – abdominal liposuction in conjunction with a tummy tuck, performed when significant skin excess or inelasticity is present in addition to fat excess


Ideal Liposuction Candidate

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Liposuction Benefits

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Liposuction Techniques

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These chin augmentation before and after pictures represent actual patients from Dr. Kopelman. They will help you to set realistic goals for your own surgical outcome.

Liposuction in West Palm Beach: Procedure

During the past several years, a variety of liposuction techniques and technologies have been developed and some have been widely advertised as “the next great thing” in liposuction. These include laser liposuction (SmartLipo), ultrasonic liposuction (UAL), power-assisted liposuction (PAL), and radiofrequency assisted liposuction (RFAL, BodyTite).What many of these liposuction technologies have in common is that they deploy heat into the fatty tissue in order to damage fat cells and also the theoretical goal of producing tissue tightening. With the exception of BodyTite, the heat is deployed at the end of a special cannula. With BodyTite, the heat actually passes from the deep cannula to the surface of the skin.

Although some of these liposuction technologies claim faster recovery, less bruising, and less pain, the opposite is most likely the truth. These technologies all require the tissues to be injected with wetting solution prior to treatment (tumescence), and require traditional aspiration, or suction, of fat after they are used.BodyTite does differentiate itself from the pack by offering true bipolar radiofrequency energy delivery. This means that heat energy transfer across the skin is precisely controlled, allowing for measureable improvements in skin tightness as collagen shrinks when heated.The claim of these technologies to produce lasting tightening has really never been well established. These technologies can be helpful, and Dr. Rapaport does use them when treating particularly dense tissues, such as the male breast or areas that have undergone liposuction before, and therefore have an increased amount of scar tissue.Recently, a fairly new technology called BodyTite and FaceTite has been reintroduced in the United States. These devices utilize bipolar radiofrequency technology, which claims to produce tightening in a linear fashion. It does this by having he heating current move from a tiny probe placed beneath the skin, to a second probe on the skin’s surface (therefore the term bipolar). Initial experience with this technology on the face and body, as well as some published results, show that this technology may represent a step forward in our ability to tighten without long scars.Unlike many facilities that perform the liposuction procedure under general anesthesia, Dr. Rapaport performs virtually all of his liposuctions under IV sedation, also called “twilight” (anesthesia). During this type of anesthesia, the patient has an IV and Dr. Rapaport’s board certified anesthesiologist delivers sedating medications via the IV. The patient is breathing on his or her own, and is responsive to verbal input but typically has no memory of the procedure.Following the procedure, the patient feels relaxed and comfortable. Dr. Rapaport’s chief anesthesiologist, Dr. John Grillo, is a master of IV sedation, and he has been working with Dr. Rapaport for the past 10 years. This lighter technique virtually eliminates risks associated with general anesthesia, including the risk of blood clots and the risk of airway complications.Liposuction of limited areas, such as under the chin (submental liposuction), inner knees, or in some patients arms, inner thighs or lower abdomen, may be performed using only local anesthesia.In such cases, the patient would have no IV at all, and no anesthesiologist present. Instead, the patient would either rely completely on Dr. Rapaport’s injections to numb the area, or could take oral medications to provide relaxation and mild sedation for the procedure. This is, of course, all reviewed with Dr. Rapaport at the time of the individual consultation to plan the procedure in a way that is best suited for the preferences and priorities of each individual patient.Although liposuction scars are small, on many areas of the body if they are left unsutured, they will heal as circular indented marks, resembling chicken pox scars. On the other hand, if the liposuction scars are sealed shut with sutures, they will not be able to drain and patients will have more swelling and bruising from their procedure.For this reason, Dr. Rapaport generally places a single suture in each incision to allow it to heal as a fine line, while also allowing the drainage of fluid. Depending on the patient’s skin type, Dr. Rapaport may elect to use dissolvable sutures. If he chooses removable sutures, they will be removed at the first post-operative visit, approximately 1 week following the procedure.One of the aspects of liposuction that makes it extremely appealing is the fact that scars are truly very small. Depending on the area treated, the scars will range in size from 2-5 mm (a pencil eraser is about 5 mm across). Generally, these liposuction scars are hidden in inconspicuous places. For example, for outer thigh liposuction, scars can be hidden under the buttock crease, rendering them truly invisible making this arguably the best liposuction Manhattan has to offer.To learn more about some of the best liposuction Florida has to offer, please contact Dr. Rapaport and schedule a consultation.To begin the liposuction procedure, Dr. Zuckerman makes small, strategically located, “poke-hole” incisions, each only a few millimeters in width. Then, he injects a liquid called tumescent solution into the areas that are going to be suctioned. This solution contains saline, a local anesthetic, and epinephrine and provides three benefits:

  • Fluid separates the fat globules from one another, allowing Dr. Zuckerman to more easily remove them.
  • Lidocaine is a numbing agent and provides pain control.
  • Epinephrine is a vasoconstrictor, which makes small blood vessels contract, and helps minimize blood loss during the procedure.

After instilling the tumescent solution, Dr. Zuckerman performs suctions of fat cells in the targeted region with long, sterile metal tubes, or cannula. These instruments are blunt-tipped to minimize trauma to the targeted area. He inserts the cannula through the poke-hole incision and moves the cannulas back and forth underneath the skin over the treatment area. In the process, Dr. Zuckerman vacuums out the targeted excess fat cells until the desired contour is achieved. The key to a great liposuction result is the experience and artistic eye of your plastic surgeon, who is also your sculptor. Dr. Zuckerman creates fit, athletic contours and maximizes the amount of fat removed.This procedure is typically performed on an outpatient basis. The vast majority of liposuction procedures are completed in two hours or less, but operative time does depend on the number of targeted areas and on the extent of fat removal desired. Dr. Zuckerman can perform your procedure at his accredited, in-office, state-of-the-art operatoring room in midtown Manhattan. Accredited by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities, Inc. (AAAASF), this facility is certified as offering an equally high standard of care as a hospital. The privacy, discretion, and convenience of Dr. Zuckerman’s private in-office operating room facility is an exclusive benefit of Zuckerman Plastic Surgery that many patients appreciate.

Recovery after Liposuction in Palm Beach Gardens

Full recovery from this procedure usually requires about two weeks, but most patients return to work within a few days. Final results appear at approximately three months but are typically aesthetically pleasing well before. Following postoperative care instructions after this procedure is important, because the body tends to fill with fluid any empty spaces, like those created by the physical removal of fat deposits. As a result, patients will predictably experience some bruising and swelling after surgery. Dr. Zuckerman may recommend that some liposuction patients wear a compression garment for a few days to a week to facilitate the healing process and prevent fluid collection. He may recommend lymphatic drainage massages as well. In rare cases involving large volume fat removal, Dr. Zuckerman may place a temporary surgical drain, but this is unusual. Major swelling generally is resolved by two weeks post-op. Most patients are able to resume their normal daily routines within one week after the procedure and many return to work three to four days after surgery. Recovery varies by individual, but it is possible to undergo surgery on a Thursday or Friday and return to work on Monday. Dr. Zuckerman will make customized recommendations based on the scope of your procedure and any specific goals or time constraints that you may have.

Frequently asked questions
about Liposuction

It is important to avoid anything that thins the blood for two weeks prior to surgery. Maximizing skin “fitness” prior to surgery, using an at-home regimen that usually incorporates a retinol or Retin-A, is encouraged. In certain cases, other preoperative treatments (chemical peel, Fraxel, or laser) may be recommended to enhance the postoperative results (akin to “priming the canvas”). Routine blood tests are obtained, and medical clearance is organized as necessary. At your initial consultation with Dr. Kolker in his office in NYC, facelift instructions are given, and are reviewed with you in great detail at a preoperative visit two weeks prior to surgery. Prescriptions are given at this visit, and any outstanding questions can be answered.

It is important to avoid anything that thins the blood for two weeks prior to surgery. Maximizing skin “fitness” prior to surgery, using an at-home regimen that usually incorporates a retinol or Retin-A, is encouraged. In certain cases, other preoperative treatments (chemical peel, Fraxel, or laser) may be recommended to enhance the postoperative results (akin to “priming the canvas”). Routine blood tests are obtained, and medical clearance is organized as necessary. At your initial consultation with Dr. Kolker in his office in NYC, facelift instructions are given, and are reviewed with you in great detail at a preoperative visit two weeks prior to surgery. Prescriptions are given at this visit, and any outstanding questions can be answered.

It is important to avoid anything that thins the blood for two weeks prior to surgery. Maximizing skin “fitness” prior to surgery, using an at-home regimen that usually incorporates a retinol or Retin-A, is encouraged. In certain cases, other preoperative treatments (chemical peel, Fraxel, or laser) may be recommended to enhance the postoperative results (akin to “priming the canvas”). Routine blood tests are obtained, and medical clearance is organized as necessary. Prescriptions are given at this visit, and any outstanding questions can be answered.

Consult to Dr.Kopelman after Treatment.

Frequently asked questions
about Mini-Facelift

Dr. Joel E. Kopelman is a both a facial plastic and oculoplastic surgeon with over 35 years of experience in cosmetic rejuvenation of the face, neck, and eyes. Renowned for his innovative techniques and meticulous approach, Dr. Kopelman has built a reputation as a trusted expert among patients seeking transformative results that are both beautiful and natural.
Dr. Kopelman’s commitment to excellence extends beyond surgery; his warm and compassionate approach provides patients with a sense of comfort and trust throughout their treatment journey. Supported by a team of first-class professionals, Dr. Kopelman continuously strives to exceed patient expectations, fostering a reputation for delivering unparalleled satisfaction and long-lasting results.
Page Updated on Jan 21, 2025 by Dr. Joel Kopelman (Facial Plastic Surgeon) of Kopelman Aesthetic Surgery.

Best liposuction Palm Beach:
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To schedule a private consultation with Dr. Kopelman, please call the office or request an appointment online.

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