Blepharoplasty Palm Beach Gardens: Eyelid Surgery in FL

A blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery involves trimming sagging upper eyelid skin and removing small amounts of bulging fat in both your upper and lower eyelids   

Eyelid surgery is the third most common cosmetic surgery in the United States. When considering an eyelid lift there is a fine balance between aesthetics and function.  To achieve the best blepharoplasty results it is important to first look for the best eyelid surgeon in Palm Beach who has many years of experience.  

An eyelid lift procedure requires delicacy, precision and experience therefore expertise counts. Over the past 35 years, Dr. Kopelman has perfected the eyelid procedure and has obtained consistently excellent results which has led him to be ranked as the best oculoplastic surgeon in Palm Beach. The doctor approaches each eyelid lift in an individualized manner removing and preserving tissue and bulging eyelid fat where necessary in order to rejuvenate your image so you look and feel your best

Blepharoplasty Palm Beach: Before & After

These Eye Lift before and after pictures represent actual patients of Dr. Kopelman. They will help you to set realistic goals for your own surgical outcome when you get a blepharoplasty in NYC

“I saw Dr. Kopelman for my upper and lower eyelids. I knew shortly after meeting him, he was the right physician for me. Prior to surgery, he eased my anxiety, and I felt confident and secure. I was 200% sure I made the right decision. My results are beyond my wildest dreams. I look natural, refreshed, and 15 years younger! The office staff is kind, helpful and accommodating. I highly recommend Dr. Kopelman. He is an artist and an extraordinary surgeon, but more importantly a kind and gentle soul.”

~ Susan S.~

Best Blepharoplasty Surgeon in Palm Beach: Dr. Joel Kopelman

Dr. Joel Kopelman is an oculoplastic plastic surgeon with offices in both New York City, Florida, and New Jersey. He has performed thousands of cosmetic and reconstructive eyelid surgical procedures for over 35 years, published numerous articles on eyelid surgery and his expertise in blepharoplasty continues to sought out by colleagues and patients across the east coast. Dr. Kopelman’s extensive experience as an oculoplastic surgeon will allow him to assess the condition of your eyelids helping you to perfect both functional and cosmetic improvements.

Blepharoplasty surgery is a procedure that will have a large impact on your overall appearance. It will brighten your whole face, give you a youthful glow and lift your spirits.

Upper Eyelid Surgery in Palm Beach FL

As we age it is natural for the contours of our upper eyelids to change causing the upper eyelid skin to droop, encroach on our eyelashes, and obscure our vision. Eyelift surgery will help restore youthful contours. Cosmetic upper lid blepharoplasty is a popular procedure that Dr. Joel Kopelman has perfected for the past 35 years. An upper eye lift will trim and contour your sagging upper eyelid skin. This procedure requires delicacy and precision. As an oculoplastic surgeon, Dr. Kopelman understands where an incision needs to be made and will determine how much excess eyelid skin needs to be safely removed to create a natural appearing result. Following your blepharoplasty your eyelids will appear “open” and you will look brighter, rejuvenated and more alert. An upper eyelid blepharoplasty can be performed with local anesthesia in Dr. Kopelman’s office. For patients that desire to have sedation, surgery can be performed in Dr. Kopelman’s licensed surgical center, with an anesthesiologist. Blepharoplasty surgery is an outpatient procedure. All of Dr. Kopelman’s patients go home after surgery and are able to resume most of their normal activities the next day.

Lower Eyelid Surgery in Palm Beach

A lower eyelid blepharoplasty is intended to flatten tired looking bulging bags that form beneath our eyes. It is important to stress that as we age our lower eyelid muscle called the orbicularis oculi weakens and can create the appearance of bags and hollows. The beauty of a lower eyelid blepharoplasty is that it is commonly a scarless procedure that will produce natural-looking lower eyelids.

Dr. Kopelman will make a small transconjunctival incision behind the lash line of the lower eyelids that will forever remain hidden. Occasionally some patients are endowed with too little fat. In these cases fat is implanted and repositioned along the eyelid hollows in a membrane called the orbital septum which will naturally fill in the “hollows” around your eyelids. If Dr. Kopelman feels that you have excess skin and muscle of your lower eyelids that needs to be tightened and supported he will use a subcillary blepharoplasty approach to achieve an elevation.

Eyelid Surgery in Palm Beach Gardens FL: Procedure

In general, the patient is measured both in the lying and sitting position. When Dr. Kopelman does an eye lift for women he will precisely measure the exact amount of skin that is going to be removed from both of your upper eyelids. Temporary marks are placed on the upper eyelid skin function as a roadmap that will guide his incisions. As an oculoplastic surgeon, Dr. Joel Kopelman knows precisely where an incision needs to be made in order to create a natural inconspicuous result.

An anesthesiologist will relax and sedate you into an arousable “twilight sleep”. To prevent you from having any discomfort while you are sleeping Dr. Kopelman will inject a numbing agent, similar to Novocaine, beneath the skin. An incision along the pre-designated lines will allow him to remove a precise amount of lax upper skin and in most cases a small strip of underlying muscle is also removed. These surgical steps will define the location of the eyelid crease and fold. Bulging fat deposits in the inner corner of the upper eyelids are conservatively trimmed. Care is taken to reduce the bulge but enough fat is left behind to prevent a “hollowed-out” appearance. Retention of some of the eyelid fat will also prevent a downward descent of the eyebrow. The incisions are then sutured closed with fine non-absorbable sutures and a topical antibiotic ointment is applied.

The objective of a cosmetic eyelid procedure is to “unravel” the compressed eyelid folds, flatten bulges, restore your eyelids to more youthful contours and smooth out wrinkles. Dr. Kopelman’s goal is simple – to make your eyelids appear natural, rested and refreshed.
Dr. Kopelman will analyze your particular unique features and he will develop a well thought out plan based upon your individual characteristics striving to achieve the best cosmetic blepharoplasty in Florida. He generally begins with an incremental approach starting with minimally non-invasive options for those patients who do not have the time or inclination to undergo surgery. For those patients who prefer more permanent solutions and have the time Dr. Kopelman will recommend (when appropriate) surgical procedures that take into account your lifestyle and risk tolerance. He will always recommend the safest and best solution for your particular aesthetic concerns. Most eyelid procedures require short periods of recovery.

Recovery after Eyelid Surgery in West Palm Beach FL

Preoperative Evaluation:
First you will have a one hour consultation that includes an evaluation of your eyes, your vision, brow position, condition of your skin including the degree of wrinkling and sun damage, facial features, facial laxity, allergies and a review of any medical conditions that could impact your proposed surgery. Preliminary pre-operative photographs are obtained. Prescriptions will be given to you to fill prior to surgery. Surgical consents are reviewed and signed.

Night Before Surgery:
You may be asked to take an oral antibiotic and wash your hair with anti-bacterial shampoo the night before your procedure. No eating or drinking after midnight or in the morning on the day of surgery is permitted.

Day of Surgery:
A nurse and an anesthesiologist will interview and evaluate you prior to surgery. Dr Kopelman will review the surgical plan and answer any last minute questions.

Surgical Procedure:
If you are having IV sedation (twilight sleep) you will receive a sedative in your vein that will relax you and put you in a tranquil state. Dr. Kopelman will precisely measure the amount of tissue to remove and he will mark your skin. These marks will act as a road map for the surgery. Next a local anesthetic will be infiltrated beneath your skin that will numb the area. Excess tissue is removed and the incisions are closed with fine sutures. You will not feel or remember the surgical procedure. Eyelid lift surgery usually takes between 1 to 2 hours to complete depending upon the complexity of the steps that need to be taken.

Post-operative Care:
Most patients experience very little discomfort following an eyelid lift. Dr. Kopelman usually prescribes acetaminophen (Tylenol) every 4 to 6 hours for the first 48 hours.and ice compresses in “zip-lock” bags are recommended.You will be asked to put antibiotic drops in your eyes four times a day and ointment along any sutures.

Suture Removal:
Most patients have their sutures removed within five to seven days days following surgery. While you are healing you may have steri-strips on the outer corners of your eyelids for a few additional days for added support.

Post-operative Experience:
Incisions are placed in natural creases in your upper eyelids and in most cases they will be healed within one week. Dr. Kopelman utilizes sutures that leave the least amount of scar tissue. Initially the upper eyelid incisions will appear pink but over several months the signs of surgery will fade.

Frequently asked questions
about Eyelid Surgery

A blepharoplasty (cosmetic eyelid surgery) procedure is usually performed on adult men and women who have healthy facial soft tissue and have realistic goals for improvement of the upper and/or lower eyelids and surrounding area. The goal is to make a positive change in your self-image.


  1. Upper eyelid surgery can remove excess fatty deposits that appear as puffiness in the upper eyelids.
  2. Loose or sagging skin that creates folds or disturbs the natural contour of the upper eyelid, sometimes impairing vision, can be treated by eyelid lift surgery.
  3. Lower eyelid blepharoplasty can remove bulging fat pads (“bags) or redistribute fat into hollow lower eyelid areas.
  4. Loose lower eyelid skin and fine wrinkles can be smoothed with laser resurfacing.
Frequently asked questions
about Eyelid Surgery
Dr. Joel E. Kopelman is a both a facial plastic and oculoplastic surgeon with over 35 years of experience in cosmetic rejuvenation of the face, neck, and eyes. Renowned for his innovative techniques and meticulous approach, Dr. Kopelman has built a reputation as a trusted expert among patients seeking transformative results that are both beautiful and natural.
Dr. Kopelman’s commitment to excellence extends beyond surgery; his warm and compassionate approach provides patients with a sense of comfort and trust throughout their treatment journey. Supported by a team of first-class professionals, Dr. Kopelman continuously strives to exceed patient expectations, fostering a reputation for delivering unparalleled satisfaction and long-lasting results.
Page Updated on Feb 25, 2025 by Dr. Joel Kopelman (Facial Plastic Surgeon) of Kopelman Aesthetic Surgery.

Schedule a Consultation

For a Blepharoplasty

To schedule a private consultation with Dr. Kopelman, please call the office or request an appointment online.

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