Dr. Kopelman is frequently consulted about the most ideal way to get rid of the “lump” of fat beneath the chin that may give the appearance of a “double” chin.

This is really an excellent question especially since Kybella™ ,a non-surgical treatment, made of deoxycholic acid was F.D.A. approved in April 2015.

Patients now have a way to eliminate neck fat without undergoing surgery. Patients want to know,”Does this injectable medication make the surgical method of fat reduction, namely neck liposuction, obsolete?” The answer is no! Let us compare both methods. Each technique has its pros and cons.

Neck liposuction To Reduce Double Chin

Neck liposuction is a relatively safe, fast and simple surgical procedure.The goal of the procedure is to permanently remove excess neck fat that will create a more defined jawline and reduce a double chin in one treatment.

After Dr. Kopelman makes a small incision at the base of the chin and behind your earlobes, he uses a small metal straw-like instrument to gently vacuum away neck fat.Once fat is removed, it does not grow back, it is eliminated provided you maintain a healthy diet.

Neck liposuction is performed in our Ridgewood, New Jersey accredited operating room under twilight anesthesia or local anesthesia.Sutures are removed after one week and the recovery time for this procedure is approximately 7 to 10 days with slight swelling and minimal discomfort.

Kybella™ Injection For A Sculpted Look

If you’re annoyed by a double chin and you are averse to surgery then Kybella™ can help eliminate that problem area by “melting” fat through an injectable treatment. Kybella™ cannot be used for removing fat along the jawline.

Most patients require 1-3 treatment sessions spaced 6 weeks apart. Therefore it may take up to 18 weeks before all three treatments are complete. Some patients are satisfied after just one treatment.

Swelling of the treated area is an expected outcome and it may take up to two weeks before the swelling resolves. You may also have numbness and tenderness for up to six weeks following each treatment session. Kybella™ is non -surgical and the injection is comfortably performed in our office with local anesthesia.

The Bottom Line

Both techniques are effective long term methods to eliminate “double chins” that don’t respond to exercise and dieting. If you are person who definitely does not want to have a surgery but does want to reduce your double chin then Kybella™ is an effective method and may be the ideal treatment option.

However, you must be patient because there is some downtime and some short lived side effects. On the other hand, if you are a person who wants a one session treatment, then neck liposuction may be a more ideal treatment option.

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